I started up a new blog so I don't overly spam people but can supply a lot of info and pictures of our new arrivals. We're still in the 'new parent' stage and comments such as 'Yay! They're eating!' and 'Omg she pooped!' are heard frequently. I'm sure poop will be less exciting eventually.
Anyways, time to meet our lovely ladies.
The first, well, she's ended up being a He as she's far more boar-like we can't help but use male pronouns. This is Grunt.
You can't see from this photo but he's got a big orange patch of fur on the other side of him.
This is Tali, she's the wriggley one and likes to dive into my armpit.
As you can see, Tali accentuates my boobs rather nicely. Something the fashion industry doesn't want you to know, Guinea pigs are fabulous for breasts. Tali's the most nervous when being picked up. I tried sitting on the floor with her today and she seemed much calmer and even had a good sniff around.
Last but not least we have Lady Voldemort
Took me two days to get this shot of her and it ended up being the best one! Lady V is the most elusive piggie when it comes to cameras. She is Queen of the Log Tunnel. They have a nice tunnel in their hutch, she was the first one to sit on top of it and I always find her sitting in it nibbling hay in the morning.
We got the three of them from The Stubbington Ark which is an RSPCA centre for Hampshire, UK. I highly suggest it for adoptions if it's in your area, the staff even rushed our post-home visit paperwork so we could pick the pigs up whilst we still had access to the car.
It's been great to have pets again! We're still getting them used to being handled as they came from a place with too many Guinea Pigs and so haven't been handled a lot. They're slowly warming up to it, even if they still bolt when trying to get picked up. I'll update more about their housing and food soon. Until then enjoy the pictures!!
No matter how butch Grunt gets, she still loves her Princess Cranberry Juice. That made me giggle :)